Thursday, 19 February 2015

Share and shine!!!!!!


Pohutukawa Whanau is proud of the learning they do in class and have found a great way to share their work with the rest of the Whanau.

Our Shine and Share time is a chance for Pohutukawa students to share something special they have made, learnt or know in Pohutukawa style. 

Here's the whole Whanau together!

A few snaps of room 7 sharing their latest work from their inquiry. 

Our 'model student' Reuben Isaako showing us how Pohutukawa students aim to sit when others are speaking. Respect :)

And here's JJ showing us the work he chose to do all by himself at home! Mr Timo was so impressed that there was only one place to put his work on World War One, on our Inquiry wall!!!

Looking forward to more shine and share moments with Pohutukawa!!!

Monday, 16 February 2015

Getting started!!!

Hi everyone! 

Room 6 is happy to get back into their learning by showing Mr Timo our hard work over the week. 

Let us know what you think!!!

Monday, 9 February 2015

Welcome to room 6

Look at us showing off our big strong muscle!!!
Do you like our funny faces???
Now look at our beautiful faces!

Welcome whanau to the new room 6! We are looking forward to having a great year and doing our best to lead the future! Pohutukawa welcomes all our new students into the whanau and together we will do our best. We look forward to sharing our learning with everyone.